Algorithm UpdateAlgorithm UpdateSearch engines are constantly modifying their algorithms in order to improve them. While some changes go completely unnoticed, others designated as “major” have a major impact. The change algorithm comes in three forms:

New Algorithm or new algorithm: It designates the addition of a new algorithm by the search engine in order to improve the quality of the search. At the level of Google, we have for example Google Panda and Google Penguin.

Algorithm Update or update of the algorithm: It designates the modification of certain signals at the level of an existing algorithm, which significantly impacts the referencing. For example, the Panda update affected 12% of all queriesAlgorithm refresh or refresh of the algorithm: This is the re-execution of an existing algorithm with small modifications that have almost no impact. Considering the same source, only 1% to 2% of all English queries were affected.

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