Last Updated on February 6, 2025
Before we dive into the technical how-to stuff, we should talk about general social-media philosophy. Technical tips without philosophy are meaningless. If you don’t have the general philosophy down, your results are going to be poor because your interactions are going to be very one-sided affairs.
My daily actions on the Web are dictated by the evergreen 5 C’s: content, communication, and consistency. Over time, I’ve developed these Three C’s through trial and error, and by observing others marketing strategy.
Seeing how others used the Web as entertainers and bloggers to promote their marketing campaign helped me figure out how to get the most out of Internet as a platform for brand awareness. By examine these theories in your marketing efforts, you can better understand how to apply evergreen 5 C’s of the Social Web for your own personal social-media use in 2019 and beyond.
The first pillar of my daily action on the Web is content. Although the Web has seen a growing shift away from content to community, I still believe that content is king.
Communities based around common interests fall flat unless they have the content there for people to gravitate around. Facebook groups, for example, dominate because of the wealth of content they offer: the posts, links, videos, and other media people create within that group.
Without the content, the group wouldn’t exist.
Content is the single biggest plank in my social-Web philosophy. When I began to blog on MySpace, I had a small following of about 30 people. Over time, I saw that the more I wrote, the more people spread the word about my writing, and I realized that more content basically equaled a larger audience for my work.
I examined other successful bloggers and found that one of the common threads between all of them was the amount of content that they were putting out — successful bloggers spend a lot more time in content creation as well as content optimization. Only then they post on social.
I decided that I will follow the expert seo link building tactics later on. Now I needed to focus on content strategy before putting out more content, and you should, too.
However, content for the sake of content isn’t necessarily the best thing for your marketing campaigns. To ensure that you provide the quality content possible, make sure that you do these three things:
Focus your content.
People expect tailored content. I found this fact out the hard way when I began to increase the number of blog posts I wrote and posted.
I’d write about anything, and sometimes I’d post on topics that weren’t necessarily my target market. The reason people come to read my blog, because I am giving value to their intent more than search volume of the topic I am writing about.
One day, I’d post my musings on the latest pop harlot, and I’d follow it up with a long piece on our current foreign policy in North Korea — and I’d lose a significant number of subscribers because there was no focus to my writing.
People wanted to read my blog for certain reasons, and they wanted content tailored to what they expected. The most successful bloggers have a narrow focus in their marketing strategies, and they write for a niche-specific either its a lowest volume topic or even have no search volume.
When Problogger author Darren Rowse, an authority on professional blogging, first began blogging, he tried a wide-ranging approach but discovered it didn’t work.
“My blog had four main themes and different readers resonated differently with each one. A few readers shared my diverse interests in all four areas, but most came to my blog to read about one of the (or at most a couple of) topics.
A number of regular loyal readers became disillusioned with my eclectic approach to blogging and gave up coming.”
The need to write to a tightly honed niche was something I had to discover the hard way with online marketing. I decided to stick to comedy because it allowed me to cover and talk about a wide variety of subjects.
Also, people knew what they were coming for and what to expect from me.
Have a voice that people want to hear
While I progressed with writing, I also figured out how important voice is in search engine optimization. A blog shouldn’t be a writing material, it should be a voice which can connect people. People didn’t care about the mechanics of the writing as much as they cared about the voice, the intent, the connection they can relate to.
Although my grammar and spelling weren’t always perfect, readers would only rarely call me out on those kinds of mistakes; readers never told me that they found my blog hard to read or that the occasional mistakes annoyed them.
If I caught and corrected a grammar error after a posting and made a note of it, people would usually respond that they weren’t coming to read my postings for my grammar. I wasn’t alone. Other bloggers, especially ones who post large amounts of content, often have typos and errors in their posts personalization.
Tucker Max, one of the most popular comedy bloggers, switches between past and present tense often — a grammar no-no. He’s aware of this problem and doesn’t care, but neither do his readers.
Max knows that he’s developing his own style: “I know, I know. The whole concept of tense in speech has always given me problems. In undergrad and law school, I never really took any creative writing or English courses; it was pretty much all econ, law, history, etc, so some of the basic things that most writers get right, I fail.
Of course I could learn tenses, but I have never really made an effort to get it right for a reason: I want to write in my own voice, regardless of whether or not it is “correct” grammar or not.
By switching tenses, I write the way I speak, and by alternating between past and present I put the reader into the story, instead of just recounting it.”Tucker says that the only time people complain about his grammar mistakes is when users want to argue about the content of his blog.
They use the grammar mistakes as a plank in their attack. However, this attempt to belittle him hasn’t slowed his growth or success. His voice, after all, is what has made him successful.
Present your content well.
The actual look of your presentation matters greatly & thus help in an increase of website traffic. Adding images, for example, enhances your posts in a number of ways, including
Giving posts a visual point of interest
Grabbing attention (really making your RSS feed readers stop and read)
Drawing people’s eyes down beyond the first few lines of a post
Illustrating examples
Giving your blog a more personal touch
Engaging the emotions and senses of readers
Giving posts a professional feel, which can lead to an air of authority
User Experience can be particularly defined as the value that you provide to your user when he visit your website. The design particularly focuses on the efficiency and user friendly nature of the UI (User Interface). Content should be aligned, image should be clear so that reader can stick to your content until shared content fulfill user’s intent.
You should be aware of UX(User Experience) Design Process Stages, so that you can add value to your content with the help of a beautiful UI (user interface).
All these blog elements are extremely important in your marketing success. People want to read and view information that they find interesting, that’s well presented, and that’s specific to their needs.
Make sure you consider all these facts in your marketing plan when you create content for your blog.
Communication is the second pillar of my philosophy about the social Web. While my blog’s content grew, I decided to make a concerted effort to write at least three times a week. The more I wrote, the more comments I’d get which ultimately turns into drive traffic to my blog.
At times, I’d get as many as ten comments on a blog posting. I couldn’t believe that ten people actually felt it was worth their time to devote a couple of minutes to replying to what I’d written. This helps me increase conversion rates on my blog.
WordPress guru Lorelle VanFossen expresses the true value of comments and how they changed how she uses the Web: “Comments change how you write and what you write.
I suddenly wasn’t writing static information. People could question what I said. They could make me think and reconsider my point of view. They could offer more information to add value to my words. And most of all, they could inspire me to write more. Comments made writing come alive.”
Understanding the social aspect of the social Web was vital to my success. People use the social Web as a major mode of communication.
The communication aspect of my blog and others plays into the overall online conversation that’s going on, a conversation that can get started by an article, which a blogger covers in a blog post about that topic, which a reader comments on, which prompts another person to blog a response to those comments or that blog, which gets its own set of comments.
Having a grasp on this concept and seeing how it operates not only brings you better success on the social Web, but also makes you a better participant.
Having an approach by which you only want to take from the social Web leaves you ultimately unsuccessful: No matter how great your content, you need to have a level of participation and make people feel that you’re communicating with them, not just speaking at them.
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The final pillar of my theory is the idea of consistency. When you produce any type of content that you offer multiple times a week or on a daily basis, people begin to expect consistency.
Many bloggers don’t post consistently, and as a result, they frustrate their readers. Although this expectation applies to blogging, in general, it really matters on MySpace and other social networks where the inter connectivity between the author and the audience reaches new heights.
This applies to authors who have large followings on Facebook and Twitter, and who use them as their main point of contact with their reader.
If you plan to write five days a week, actually write five days a week and try not to deviate from that schedule. If you plan to post only two to three times a week, stick to the days that you usually post (unless you want to cover some important breaking news).
As a blogger, you have to give people a pattern to expect so that eventually they can know when to look for your posts. This idea is like knowing when your favorite TV program is on — you come to expect it and maybe even plan around it.
Although I didn’t see a lot of bloggers being consistent with their content posting I felt it was important. If I missed a day on which I usually posted or was severely late in posting, readers sent me e-mails wondering where my post was for that day.
My audience was conditioned on when to expect my content. You also need to account for long breaks in your posting schedule. I had to figure out how to deal with the fact that I had a life away from writing and also sometimes just didn’t feel like producing content.
I decided to Pre Write posts when I had a lot to say and keep them so that I could post them at times when I wasn’t inspired to write. Some people get burnt out on blogging and can’t fight through the grind of it. I didn’t want that to happen to me.
Some bloggers take a month off from writing or post very sporadically. But
if you really want to build an audience, you can’t suddenly decide to take a
month off because you’re tired of it. Taking a long stretch of time off can kill
a blog’s momentum and audience.
Take pains to ensure that the quality content you produce doesn’t suffer from blogging more often. Bloggers often capitalize on a popular post, gain an audience, and then become inconsistent with the quality of their content.
Consistency doesn’t apply only to posting — it also applies to communication and promotion. When I started to reply to comments on my blog, I found out quickly that ignoring a person’s comments on multiple posts can offend your commenters.
Social Media offers an opportunity to make connections that are mutually beneficial to your organization and the consumer. Stay up to date with “suggested people” to follow on your social channels and invite people to “like” or “follow” you to build even more connections.
Encouraging people to like to your page doesn’t have to be annoying or spammy, if your content is relevant to their pain points strangers are more likely to accept your invitation.
The best way to ensure that consumers will purchase your product or service is to involve them in the product development life cycle.
Social Media give you the unique ability to get opinions from consumers, making them feel more invested in your company’s choices. Try starting a Twitter poll asking them to express what features and functionality they want in your next product offering.
You can also collaborate with influencers, asking them to be a guest blogger on your website or maybe join you for a future podcast project.
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